Review: Educated

Educated Educated by Tara Westover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book, but I should say that I empathize with the author and her history aside from how well the book is written because I (maybe) forced myself to see something in common between our different pasts.

It is a big book (I think a little bit more than "Harper Lee- To Kill a Mockingbird"), and it requires time to read it (also English is not my first language). I think it's time well spent. Almost each page can give you an experience and to someone a whole new point of view of reality. A common daily activity such as drinking coffee can be interesting and different when it is seen through her eyes (this is an actual example).

It is the first book of the writer and she said that the first thing to do was try to learn how to write a book. Mmmh, she did it well because it seems natural, she seems to be a natural. It flows, but still, it has a refined language. She cares about words, not too much, but enough; I think it is so because she paid attention to what she was doing, a real and humble gaze on what there is around her.

I suggest this book because It can help to cope with some personal issues and It can be useful to understand more about some people in the world. It makes you feel capable of making choices, I felt this way; somebody could find himself struck with the feeling of immobilism because the book is about suffering other choices than yours, in this case, I think in the end people will understand better the importance of making choice, living free.
Also, I saw interviews of her, I suggest seeing them after the book because I didn't find interviews that were understandable for an unknowing reader. The interviews helped me to understand her opinion about some things because she is very respectful and doesn't say a lot of personal opinions about certain things in the book, but after what I read, I could not give about knowing what these things did to a person and we are lucky in this era because we have this possibility and it's not hard to feel in touch with someone. (in this case, she is not like other public figures that can disappoint somebody after having seen them online, she is discreet)
I have different opinions sometimes, but she seems very clever and respectful; Also she had an interview with Bill Gates and this is the magic of America because you would never imagine that when you begin the book.
Enjoy your reading

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